So you decided to lose weight. Now the problem is, 'How?'
When it comes to 'how', general advice - eat less and move more - may not be as effective. You no doubt know that you need to reduce your calorie intake, but how much? Is it better to eat a low - *** or low-carb diet to get those calories? And how is your metabolism, the furnace that burns your energy, going on? Was it pre-programmed to keep you s ***? Is there any way to put out the flames, so can you imagine eating a piece of pie without gaining a pound?
How to lose weight?
Science is also confused by many basic problems related to weight loss.
'Surprisingly, much more can be done in this age.'
Here we look at some of the most disturbing secrets to losing weight.
Need to lose 3,500 calories to lose a pound?
A major scientific report, published in 1958, popularized the notion that dieters need to burn a lot of calories to lose a pound of weight — diet or activity. Max Vishnofsky, MD, the physician in Brooklyn, New York, sought to capture what we understand about how the body stores calories. Extra calories are stored as *** when the body is in a constant caloric state, which means they found that it does not cause fasting or hunger and takes in 3,500 extra calories to make a *** pound. Will be required. He is in the same stable position, taking a 3,500 calorie deficit to lose a pound of weight. For decades, the 'Vishnofsky law' has been the mathematics that determines the survival of dieters.
The problem is that it is wrong.
Since the body responds to weight loss, the 3,500 calorie guideline does not work. According to Corby Martin, Ph.D., chief of Injustice Behavior Laboratory at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, LA, 'it rapidly reduces the number of calories needed to maintain its new, lighter shape.' As a result, the weight decreases over time. When the scale does not cooperate, those who expect to lose a pound for every 3,500 calories they burn will be disappointed.
Suppose the dieter understands that to maintain their current weight, they need to eat 2,500 calories per day. However, they want to lose weight. As a result, they decide to cut back on their daily calorie intake by 500 calories. According to the Vishnofsky rule, after a week of doing this, they lose one pound.
'The 3,500-calorie-pound guideline works for the first week or two, but then it doesn't work,' Martin explained.
Here's why: After three or four weeks, you need less food to maintain your new, slimmer complexion.
The good news is that researchers have updated the Vishnofsky principle. New calculators are available, such as NIH's Body Weight Planner and Pennington's Weight Loss Predictor. Provide them with some important data such as your gender, age, weight, height, level of exercise, and the date you want to reach your goal and they will calculate a more realistic daily calorie target for you.
Do all calories have the same value?
Knowing how many calories you need each day, where do you get your calories from? Is it better to lose weight or eliminate carbs? How much protein do you need per day? Is it true that drinking alcohol puts all your troubles at risk?
Scientists say people with high blood sugar levels such as type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, gestational diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and fatty liver disease will benefit from a diet high in low-refined carbs and healthy fats, and lean proteins. According to the evidence. The South Beach, Zone Diet, Mediterranean Diet, and Low GI Diet are all examples of such diets.
Insulin levels are not much different if not a problem.
Female vs male
However, significant research has compared the weight loss of men and women who have had gastric bypass surgery. According to research, there is no significant difference in the percentage of weight lost by men and women after 24 months of bariatric surgery. Men lost an average of 66 percent of their overweight, while women lost 73 percent of their overweight.
And there is another good news: Callister says it takes a little longer for women to lose the same weight as men, and they keep it better, maybe they slowed it down in the first place. Gave.
What is the best weight loss exercise?
Exercising is hard when trying to lose weight. It helps to burn calories, but it is not as effective in preventing those calories from being consumed in the first place. And since exercise stimulates appetite, it is very easy to reduce all the calories you expend if you work hard.
According to Martin, people who want to lose weight should focus on moderate-intensity physical activity, such as active walking or gardening.
According to the National Weight Control Registry, 94 percent of members lose 30 pounds and improve their physical activity in some way after being kept for a year or more. Walking is the most commonly reported form of exercise.
Exercise is important to maintain weight then. Martin says most people who successfully lose weight and keep it away do a lot of exercises - one hour a day.
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